Project #4: String Art

I had no idea what string art was until I found not one, but two failed attempts at this super cool looking project. Although it looked like a lot of effort, I decided to try it out anyways. I noticed that the two people that tried this out didn’t actually use a tutorial, but I decided to look one up just to be safe. Plus this tutorial that I found was for a cute arrow design, so if I ended up succeeding at this I decided that I could just add it to the sad amount of art currently hanging up in my room.


Both of the failed attempts that I found had been made with foam and cork bases and pins to replace the nails. Considering I’m a grown adult and I know how to use a hammer, I decided to make mine a little more legit and use wood and nails instead. I also found some pretty gold and white twine to use for the design.


The first step is to create your design and tape it onto your base. As simple as this step is, this took me about an hour and a half to do because I’m a freak and everything I do has to be perfect.

The next step is to hammer in those nails! If you’re looking for a therapeutic exercise to get some frustration out, this project is definitely for you. Although my nails could be straighter, I like to think this adds some character to the look. Plus all that really matters here is that I finished this step with absolutely no injuries.

After the nails are in place, all you need to do next is rip off that paper and voila! You have your design.

Now for the fun part! Once your design is in place and your nails are secure, tie a double knot with your string onto one of the nails, cut off the tail, and start wrapping. I didn’t wrap my string in any specific pattern, but I made sure to follow the outline of the design and I made sure the edge was traced in towards the end. Once you’re done wrapping, tie another double knot onto a nail, cut off the tail, and your final product should look like…



This was definitely my favorite project I have done so far, and I’m so glad it turned into a success! If you want to try this project out, you can use the tutorial that I followed or you can try out a different one using a different design. Just remember, if you want this to work don’t try and substitute the required materials!

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