Project #3: Tissue Paper Pom Poms

Finally! A project that doesn’t involve food! This DIY fail was done by Jenifer, who claimed that the instructions for this project were “idiot proof” and “deceptively easy”. Let’s see about that.

First step is to round up the small list of required items, which includes 10 sheets of 20×20 in. tissue paper, floral wire, a ruler, and scissors.


The next step is to separate the stack of tissue paper in half, so that you have two stacks of 5 sheets.


After you separate the stacks, you will then fold your first stack of 5 sheets accordion style.


After that, you are then going to bring out the ruler and cut the paper at the 6 in. marker, leaving one 6 in. piece and one 14 in. piece.

Unfold the 6 in. piece and fold it again but this time hamburger style.


Then you’re going to cut along that crease, leaving you with two 5 in. stacks of tissue paper. After this, you’re going to fold those two stacks accordion style again, along with the other 20 in. stack that you put off to the side in the beginning. Then you will cut that piece in half so that you have two 10 in. pieces. So as a result you should have one 14 in. piece, two 10 in. pieces, and two 6 in. pieces.


After this, you’re going to grab one of the pieces (I used the biggest one) and wrap your floral wire around the middle.

Once you’re done with that you’re going to use your scissors to round out the edges


Next, you’re going to fan out one of the sides.


And now for the hard part, the separation of the tissue paper. I thought I would have the same fate as Jenifer and end up with a torn up mess, but apparently I unknowingly purchased industrial strength tissue paper so it was all good.

Slowly and carefully, you’re going to separate the top layer of tissue paper from the rest and pull it up.

After repeating that process for all of the layers of tissue paper on both sides, your end result should end up looking something like this:


What a beautiful piece of garbage.

Just kidding. Of course I’m going to say this was another success. I’m now officially accepting requests though because apparently the projects I’m picking out aren’t as challenging as they appear.

If you want to give this fun little craft a try you can find it here.

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